biography Demetria "Demi" Le Fay was born in Salem, Massachusetts to Alfonzo and Maria Le Fay. Growing up in Salem, Demetria was given a pretty interesting life. Every day to her was like Halloween, which was wonderful considering that was when she was actually born. She grew interested in all things Halloween, and soon this turned into Horror movies, and eventually the subject of death. Death was something that never really scared Demetria, and the more she learned about the different ways that people could die, the more she realized that she might have found something to really be interested in. Her father was already a mortician, and brought her into his Funeral Home to see the bodies, and eventually she started to work there through high school as she worked on getting good grades and doing what she could to get into a reasonable college. Her hopeful profession? Medical Examiner.

This was something her father greatly appreciated, and enjoyed that his daughter was hoping to be in the business of life and death. Her mother greatly disapproved, but saw just how happy it made her daughter, so she didn't say much about it. So Demetria studied hard and entered Northeastern University for her Undergraduate degree, to get her on the right track.

One day, coming home to Salem for the weekend from the city, Demetria went into the Le Fay Funeral Home to hear arguing. Only the voices she was hearing were not her father or her mother, but older gentlemen, demanding to know where their money was. Demetria hid to the side of the room as she heard her father tell them that he didn't have it, and begged them for mercy. Her mother was there begging for mercy too, and one of the other voices simply said "No mercy" before a shot rang out.

Demetria gasped, and immediately covered her mouth, not knowing who was dead and who was alive, and immediately went into her medical bag to get her scalpel, the only weapon she had on her. Something in her clicked, and she snuck up into the room, and came across one of the men, trying to watch guard of the room. Coming up behind him, she sliced his throat perfectly across the artery, something she had learned in school (and from all her curiosities when she was younger), and slowly lowered the man to the ground. She went immediately into the room where her parents were, able to catch the man with a gun by surprise, and as she entered the room, she saw her mother was the one who was dead. She lunged on the man's back and shoved the scalpel directly into his temple, causing him to drop his gun, and then once more sliced the man's neck, causing him to fall to the ground, taking Demetria with him.

Covered in blood, Demetria looked over to her father, who immediately stood up and ran over to her, hugging her and thanking her for saving his life. And much to Demetria's surprise, her father started to go into action, knowing how to clean up the bodies of the two men (who she later learned were from the mafia) and how to clean the blood out. They burned the men and their bodies in the crematory they had in the basement of the funeral home, and then they carefully picked up Demetria's mother, and brought her into the back room.

She performed a small medical procedure on her mother the best that she could. She cleaned her up, she removed the bullet, and she stitched the wound closed the best she could. Demetria and her father mourned over her mother, as they quietly decided they would hold a two person funeral the next day. After her mother's funeral, her father started to tell her more about who he really was. He was an ex-FBI informant who had worked for the mafia undercover, and he was now starting to be found out by those who he worked with. He had tried to live a normal life, and he had managed to do so until recently. Much to his surprise, his daughter asked if he had a list of the men who would come after him, and when he said he did, she asked for it.

He thought she would turn the list over to the police, but she calmly told her father that they would serve their own type of justice. Despite her father's protests, they agreed. They would have a code - kill those who deserved to be killed. And with the fact that Demetria was an up and coming medical student, she could teach her father a few things, and he could teach her how to defend herself. Thus, started Demetria's journey into vigilantism.

While she worked with her father to take out those who were coming after their family, she continued her schooling. She graduated Northeastern University at the top of her class and immediately entered Boston University School of Medicine for her Medical Degree. While she did that, she started to look for jobs, and soon was interning at the Salem Police Department, learning about crime scenes, how the police handled them, and just how important it would be to have a knowledgeable medical examiner around.

As the years progressed, her father's list was dwindling, and there was only one name left. The police had no idea who or what was taking out all these mafia men, but due to Demetria covering their tracks, no one was on to them. Minus: the last person on their list. In 2008, the last man the two of them were going to kill came and found Demetria and her father, and as much as she tried, she couldn't save her dad. She managed to kill the mafia man, but not without some struggle (and need for a hospital after), and as she held her dad in her arms, he made her promise that she wouldn't give it up, that she would continue to get rid of those who were essentially evil.

As he died in her arms, she tearfully agreed.

Demetria headed out of Salem, MA once the case for her father was finalized and he was buried next to her mother. Moving full time into the city, Demetria focused on finishing her degree and getting access into the Boston Police Department - the more 'villains' she could look into, the more she would be able to take them out on her own. She kept up the vigilantism on the side as she studied, and due to the large inheritance from her parents once it cleared, she was financially set for life. She could stop what she was doing, and move on with her life.

But she wouldn't, all thanks to the promise she had made her father.

She did her forensic pathology residency at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Boston, MA, and the Chief Medical Examiner was so impressed with her work ethic and determination, that he offered her the chance to prove her worth and apply for the Associate Medical Examiner position that had just opened up. She applied or her license and certification required by the state, and soon she was eligible to apply for the Associate Medical Examiner position. She landed it in 2010, and was soon promoted to Medical Examiner. But the more time that she spent working for the police department, the more corrupted she realized things were, and the more uninterested she was working for someone so corrupt. Of course, she knew she was slightly corrupt herself, but since she was still working by a code, she didn't feel completely hypocritical of that.

Still, by 2012, Demetria left and decided to start her own company: a private investigations company, where people could come to them if they didn't want to work with the law outright. It gave Demetria a chance to explore more avenues of finding out who was in the wrong, and she still had access (though limited now) to the databases as she sometimes worked on bounties for the police officers. Soon her company got the reputation of getting things done that others were afraid to do.

In 2014, she was married to a man who worked with her, a man named William. He was an experienced PI who wasn't scared of challenging Demi, and the two soon fell in love. They were married in December 2014, and were happily married until William was gunned down in May 2015 on a job. Demi found out that it was someone she had meant to get when she was younger, but once survived and got to her husband instead. Angry and devastated, Demi went after the man himself, and killed him and his associates, and felt no remorse about it.

Now in August 2015, Demetria is trying to focus on work and trying to move on from her husband's unexpected death, though sometimes that proves more difficult than other days. She's taking it one step at a time, and if she can take it out on some not so great people in the process? Well then it's a slightly better day than the last one.
Antonio Le Fay
Maria Le Faye

• Due to the fact that there are times she has to 'take out' those who are larger than her, Demetria works out regularly and is almost obsessive about making sure she is always in shape. That's not to say she doesn't indulge now and then, but mostly she stays to a strict exercise regime.

• She loves her job as a Private Investigator, and even despite the fact that she got the job to get her access to other things, she really does think she is doing good. She is passionate about her job, and loves what she does. She wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

• Lives in a townhouse in Beacon Hill, and has a warehouse on the waterfront where she does some of her 'night jobs'.

Demi's comic book counterpart is
Morgan le Fay

She is a powerful sorceress using both nature magic and spells from the Darkhold. Morgan le Fay possesses a natural affinity for magical forces which is a result of her half-faeries genetic structure. She also possesses a gifted intellect, and as a former pupil of Merlin, she possesses a great deal of magical lore, considered one of the greatest sorceresses in Earth's history. Her magical powers are derived from three major sources. Due to her faerie heritage she possesses innate personal powers such as the ability to control minds; she also possesses abilities all humans potentially have, such as the ability to engage in astral projection. She also has the faerie ability to manipulate mystical energy, often through spells and enchantments of ancient Celtic origin, an ability she has honed through practice. Finally, she has abilities as a high priestess of the Earth goddess (Gaea) by invoking her Celtic name, Danu.

Not all of Morgan's powers have been documented as yet. It is known that she can mystically manipulate both the natural environment of Earth and the environment of the astral plane in which she once existed, or in space. She can cast illusions, project mystical bolts (which can affect physical beings and objects even when she is in astral form), create mystical force shields and remove spirits from their bodies and place those spirits under her control. When in physical form, she can fly and change her shape into other people or animals (both real and mythical). She also has healing powers which she might have used on her former foe King Arthur on transporting him to Otherworld. Morgan is of gifted intellect.

Morgan can also tap into and manipulate powerful magical energies for powerful feats of magic without having to tax upon her normal magical abilities, such as when she used the power of the Norn Stones and the Twilight Sword to restructure reality. There may be an upper limit to how much energy Morgan can control as when she tapped into these energies she did so through the Scarlet Witch.

Beyond that, however, Morgan is virtually immortal. Her soul survived the physical death of her body, and she has even re-formed from the destruction of her astral form.

She possesses the ability to manipulate the forces of magic for a variety of effects, including mind control, illusion-casting, astral projection, the projection of mystical bolts of force, creation of mystic force shields, the removal of spirits from their physical bodies and mental domination of those spirits, healing, and the ability to mentally manipulate the natural environment of Earth and the astral plane on which she presently exists. She is also able to time travel and can come back from death using time travel. In her physical form, she was able to fly and change her shape into that of other people or animals. Morgan has utilized the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to bind Doctor Strange and Balor, proving her capabilities of manipulating extra-dimensional mystical energies from the Octessence if needed.

Due to her hybrid nature (half-human and half-faerie), Morgan Le Fay has the faerie's vulnerability to "cold iron" or steel. These materials can cause her harm both in her physical form and astral form. (Info from Marvel Wikia)

demi + morgan's tie-ins • Both use science in means to get their way (though Morgan's is a bit more on the magic side)

• Neither woman has a problem being around death, as they cause it.

• Both are out for themselves only.

• Both are unlucky in love.
